Right, if you read my last post about how to overcome a problem with VIOs upgrade I have bad news for you.
Like I showed in the last post, the update will fail because the fileset bos.alt_disk_install.boot_images, the fileset installed in your VIOs SHOULD be a version older than the on the VIOs 3.1 mksysb image, if you try run VIOs upgrade, the upgrade will fail.
I faced this situation:

Installed VIOs -, released on May/2019
The mksysb image that I extracted from the VIOs 3.1 dvd was from 2018.
Upgraded failed, because as you can see the fileset on the VIOs 3.1 dvd was oldest than the current VIOs version.
To overcome this I was obligated get a more recent VIOs 3.1 iso to create the mksysb, the most recent version now was from November/2019, so the fileset on the DVD iso was more recent than the installed on the VIOs.
With that the installation performed fine as expected.

But if you have a much more recent VIOs and is not able to get a VIOs 3.1 iso more recent than your current installed VIOs, for sure you will have a problem.
In a face of a problem like that you will need install a fresh copy of the VIOS 3.1 but I will no detail here all the steps that  you will need to perform, you can find on internet but you will have some work to do.
So be careful, you can end have a big headache, IBM dont detail this issue for you, you will only able to find this googling about the problem.
This can be very serious if you is upgrading in a production system.


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