viosupgrade FAILED

Tried restore the mksysb for upgrade vios from 2.6 to 3.1 and got the error below:

# /usr/ios/cli/ioscli viosupgrade -l -i vios31_mksysb -a hdisk3
Welcome to viosupgrade tool.
Operation triggered for given node(s).

[?5h[?5lBroadcast message from root@vios3 (pts/1) at 08:14:43 ... 

WARNING!!! VIOS Upgrade operation is in progress. Kindly Refrain from making any configuration changes...

Please wait for completion..
Upgrading from ioslevel '' to ''.
The provided disk 'hdisk3' is in use.
# /usr/ios/cli/ioscli viosupgrade -l -q
Welcome to viosupgrade tool.
Getting status of node(s):

viosupgrade FAILED

Please see the vioupgrade status:
Wed Jun 24 08:14:43 2020|STARTED
Wed Jun 24 08:15:26 2020|FAILED

Please see the viosbr restore status:
# /usr/ios/cli/ioscli viosupgrade -l -q
Welcome to viosupgrade tool.
Getting status of node(s):

viosupgrade FAILED

Please see the vioupgrade status:
Wed Jun 24 08:14:43 2020|STARTED
Wed Jun 24 08:15:26 2020|FAILED

Please see the viosbr restore status:

To resolve this you need do two things:
lspv -free as padmin must return the alternate disk as free
If not run
chpv -C hdiskXX

The -C parameter should be in upper case:

run the lspv -free as padmin and you will see that the disk is free now.

If the installation fail again, you will need reject the bos.alt_disk_install.boot_images like below:

  • installp -r bos.alt_disk_install.boot_images

I needed remove only the fileset above.
Please, follow the two links below for a more complete explanation:


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